(514) 431-0556

Luxurious condos cleaning.Commercial cleaning.

Environmental protection and the "Green" lifestyle become increasingly popular in nowadays world. The latest tendencies suggest that more and more corporate clients concern about the products used for office cleaning and their impact on the staff and the environment.

Cleaning products are necessary for maintaining attractive and healthful conditions in the workplace. In addition to the obvious aesthetic benefits of cleaning, the removal of dust, allergens, and infectious agents is crucial to maintaining a healthful indoor environment. Nevertheless cleaning products may present a variety of threats to health and environmental. They may contain chemicals, which, among other health issues, may cause severe eye, skin, and respiratory irritations. Also, the improper use of commercial cleaning products often results in an elevated concentration of chemical agents in the air. Such situations are classified as hazardous; not only do they present a threat to the staff of an office, they also harm the environment!

Over the years our company has developed a solid base of cleaning tools, products and methods. We ensure that only the best quality environmentally friendly products are used. In addition to that, all of our technicians are trained to evaluate the requirements in each particular case and choose the cleaning products accordingly. Our approach guarantees the best results with no impact on the health of the staff, clients and the environment. Contact us now to get more information.

Welcome words of owner

"Dans une societe, le nettoyage des bureaux est essentiel. Les personnes qui passent plusieurs heures par jour dans cette piece doivent s'y sentir bien. Quelque soit le secteur d'activites, quelque soit la taille de votre entreprise, NPV Company vous concoit des plans de nettoyage adaptes! Nous offrons des tarifs abordables tres concurrentiels et notre clientele n'a aucun engagement a signer. Nous fournissons a tous nos clients un service de qualite de haut niveau. Une estimation gratuite et sur mesure (vous ne payer que ce dont vous avez vraiment besoin). References et assurance."