(514) 431-0556

Luxurious condos cleaning.Commercial cleaning.

Computers and mobile technologies find more and more ways into our daily life. We get to deal with our PCs, Macs, smartphones at home, at school, at work, in public places etc. Although it may seem that electronics is always reliable and self sufficient, it in fact requires a lot of care, regular check ups, and cleaning. Our clients often ask us how they can minimize the risks of their electronic equipment malfunctions, which may eventually result in critical data loss, or even cause breaks in office work. Unfortunately there is no unique answer to this question, and often the cleaning methods depend on particular environment.

Nettoyage Pour Vous has a great experience in cleaning computer rooms, maintaining IT companies' offices, and managing other electronic equipment. Our cleaning technicians go far beyond simple wet cleaning and dust removal. 

Here is the list of the most common cleaning services that we offer:

  • Equipment Surface Cleaning - cleaning the exterior surface of cabinets, equipment, and workstations by vacuuming, rubbing, etc
  • Subfloor Surface Cleaning - extensive vacuuming  removes contamination from your subfloor plenum
  • Raised Floor Surface Cleaning - cleaning the surface of the raised floor panels by vacuuming, damp mopping, etc
  • Interior Server Cabinet Cleaning - cleaning the surface of the cabinet doors, equipment exhaust fans, and surfaces inside the cabinet.
  • Ceiling Cleaning - vacuuming above the drop ceiling tiles, wiping clean overhead raceways, etc

The general rule for this type of cleaning is the higher degree of reliability of equipment is required, the higher the frequency of cleaning services must be. Contact us now so our cleaning experts help you plan cleaning procedures tailored individually for you.


Welcome words of owner

"Dans une societe, le nettoyage des bureaux est essentiel. Les personnes qui passent plusieurs heures par jour dans cette piece doivent s'y sentir bien. Quelque soit le secteur d'activites, quelque soit la taille de votre entreprise, NPV Company vous concoit des plans de nettoyage adaptes! Nous offrons des tarifs abordables tres concurrentiels et notre clientele n'a aucun engagement a signer. Nous fournissons a tous nos clients un service de qualite de haut niveau. Une estimation gratuite et sur mesure (vous ne payer que ce dont vous avez vraiment besoin). References et assurance."